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Code.: K0045500

It is a foaming product for lance applications, particularly effective because of the balanced formulation and based on the use of potassium alkalis. It is mainly used in the food industry (slaughterhouses, dairies, pasta factories, ham factories, fishmongers, crushers, vegetable processing and food preparations in general) where a thorough cleaning is required which, due to the complexity and extension of the process equipment, isn’t possible manually implement.
DESCAL BASIC FOAM K generates a foam with excellent gripping properties and penetrating and at the same time wetting, capable of simultaneously performing saponification and emulsification of processing residues, whether they be raw, cooked or aged, such as fats and oils, protein materials, flours , plant residues sugary and tartrate substances. The product is suitable for:

  • Worktops and floors
  • Tiled walls (in rooms and cold rooms)
  • Tank and line surfaces
  • Conveyor and elevator belts
  • Hooks and catenaries in slaughterhouses
  • Machinery surfaces

The application frequency can be daily, at the end of the last shift.


Physical state               : liquid

Color                            : colorless

pH(sol. 1%)                      : 12

Solub. in water            : total



Represents the version in which the alkalizing action is carried out by sodium hydroxide. It is indicated for medium-low contaminations.



Insert the feeding tube of the foam spreader (MICROFOAM) into the product basket make sure that the water supply is open and that the compressed air system is operating.

Calibrate the appliance for an automatic dilution indicative of 5% of the product (50 gr / liter) for ordinary daily use. Increase the dosage up to 8% (80 gr / liter) for intensive and extraordinary operations.
Wear the appropriate PPE indicated on the safety data sheet. Move to a distance of about 2-3 meters and open the lance.

The application must start from the bottom going upwards; at the end leave to act for 15-30 minutes and proceed with an accurate rinse with drinking water.
These products aren’t suitable for light alloys. Preliminarily test the compatibility of the coatings. Don’t apply on electrical panels and motors.

DESCAL BASIC FOAM K and DESCAL BASIC FOAM are suitable for inclusion in HACCP protocols.






Inserire nel canestro del prodotto il tubo di alimentazione della lancia schiumogena (MICROFOAM); accertarsi che la mandata dell’acqua sia aperta e che l’impianto ad aria compressa sia in funzione.

Tarare l’apparecchio per una diluizione automatica indicativa del 5% del prodotto (50 gr/litro) per impiego ordinario giornaliero.

Aumentare il dosaggio fino all’8% (80 gr/litro) per interventi intensivi e straordinari.

Indossare gli appositi DPI indicati sulla scheda di sicurezza. Portarsi ad una distanza di circa 2-3 metri e aprire la lancia.

L’applicazione deve partire dal basso andando verso l’alto; al termine lasciare agire per 15-30 minuti e procedere ad un risciacquo accurato con acqua potabile. 

Questi prodotti non sono indicati per leghe leggere. Testare preliminarmente la compatibilità dei rivestimenti. Non applicare su quadri e motori elettrici. 

DESCAL BASIC FOAM K e DESCAL BASIC FOAM sono idonei per l’inserimento nei  protocolli HACCP.


