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Product born from the need to protect natural materials such as stones of different types and nature (trachyte, sandstone, tuff, marble) but also bricks, industrial floors in cement, plasters and gypsum from wear and deterioration induced by time and from exposure and adverse physical chemical agents such as urban and industrial atmospheres, acid rains, bird dejections, the effects of freeze / thaw cycles, etc.

KEMPRO REP has the important feature to maintain almost unchanged the original appearance of the material. It follows that the aesthetics of the artefact maintains the original characteristic properties by not developing undesirable aspects such as increasing the shine (wet effect) or intensifying and darkening the natural color. It is advisable to use:

  • Preventive: for the protection of particularly delicate and friable materials such as travertines with an uneven composition, tuff and soft stones in general.
  • Repairing: for the consolidation of the materials used and objects characterized by problems of disintegration and surface disruption and loss of detail related to industrial or artistic work.


It is formulated to penetrate the absorbent stones in a capillary way, thus achieving the still healthy part of the material where, reacting with the ambient humidity, it releases silica with a binding function. The drying takes place without superficial filming and is definitively completed after 30 days. The binder is stable to light and to atmospheric agents, and doesn’t obstruct the porosity of the material, which allows the product to receive further hydrophobic or hydro and oil repellent treatments. The characteristics of the product have been developed also by collecting technical information related to the chemistry of the restoration of monumental artistic heritage.


Physical state: Colorless liquid

Density (20°C) : 0.820 C.A.  Kg/dm3

Flash point :  15 °C

Indicative yeld: From 0.2 to 6 l/M2




KEMPRO REP is ready to use.
The application conditions are fundamental for developing the product performance:
The temperature must be between 10 ° C and 25 ° C and the surface of the product must be clean and dry, not directly exposed to the sun. Ideal conditions have a temperature of 20 ° C and a relative humidity of 40% ÷ 50%. The application can be done by brush, roller or spray. If the stone is very absorbent proceed with the application to allow the product to reach and penetrate the underlying layers. It is possible to proceed until the product is saturated. If necessary, a second application can be performed after 10 days.

The manufactured article treated with KEMPRO REP can receive an additional treatment:


(Product: Aram idrostop)


(Product: Stain Off)


(In this case a preliminary verification of the compatibility of the painting is essential, in particular in the case of water paints)

For products exposed to water or high humidity, water-repellent treatment is recommended as it greatly reduces disruptions caused by freeze / thaw cycles.

The water repellent treatments of the ARAM line don’t induce appreciable variations in the appearance of the product constituting the natural completion of the application of the product.