Activ is a specific product to eliminate and neutralize unwanted odours caused by the decomposition of organic substances, organic waste, rotting of various materials. 




The product is non-toxic and non-inflammable: it is fully biodegradable with zero impact on the environment.

It is sold as concentrate and is diluted in water according to the unwanted odour to eliminate.

The dilution ratio of the product in water is established only after a careful analysis of the site to treat. For indicative purposes, in most cases, the concentration in 100 litres of water ranges from 1 to 2.5 kg (1-2.5%).

There are no risks linked to the use of the product, neither particular safety precautions must be taken for handling.




Activ is not a hazardous product since its formula contains non ionic surface-active agents and essential scented oil. Since it does contain any dangerous substance according to Ministerial Decree 28/01/92 concerning the “Classification and regulations governing packaging and labelling of dangerous preparations”, no particular labelling or hazard symbols are required.

Source of toxicological data: Registry of toxic effects of chemical substances – U.S. Department of Health and Human Services – April 1987.

Workplace survey performed by Modern Medical Laboratories (N.Y. – USA) on 11/01/93. 

ISPESL technical opinion- Rome – National Institute for Occupational Safety and Prevention, DIL 979 of 01/08/96 – “Permission to properly use the product in work environments”.




Differently from other traditional masking products, commonly called deodorants, that use strong scents in high concentrations thus hiding bad odours temporarily, ACTIV does not mask odours with strong scents but eliminates them through ionic exchange. 

The mix consisting of ACTIV and water is sprayed using suitable equipment, with specific spray nozzles. A fine mist of particles is thus obtained between 7 and 8 micron. These must be atomized directly in free air where they quickly evaporate turning into vapour. When the “odour ions” are balanced with the “ions of the neutralizing product”, so called “clean air” is obtained.

ACTIV molecule

Bad odour molecule

Odourless mix

The atomized vapour is the medium that carries the molecules of the neutralizing product in any point of the area affected by bad odours, eliminating them.





  • Depuration facilities (municipal and industrial water)
  • Recycling plants
  • Waste disposal facilities
  • Waste transfer stations
  • Incineration plants
  • Composting plants
  • Food and beverage industries
  • Intensive animal breeding farms
  • Tanneries
  • Paper mills


  • Civil dwellings
  • Environments with pets
  • Restaurants, pizzerias, motorway service stations, etc.
  • Public places in general
  • Cinemas and meeting rooms
  • Public and private washrooms
  • Centres (healthcare facilities, barracks, schools, retirement homes, etc.)




It is a device specifically designed to mechanically generate and evenly disperse liquid products in micro-drops featuring a diameter between 7-10 micron (ULV). It is equipped with dispenser, through which the solution is distributed according to the index position. It is designed for intermittent use and must be subject to a maintenance service approx. every 1000 hours of operation. If used outdoors, short application times are suggested since, by sucking air from the rear side, in case of wind flowing in the opposite direction, excess humidity may form on the suction outlet and burn the motor.


Fogger 3 is the advanced professional device to apply ACTIV. It is fully automated and ca be used in environments of any size. It is used in:

  • Dumps
  • Depuration facilities
  • Recycling facilities
  • Recycling and waste disposal facilities

The process consists in spraying ACTIV-WATER mix, with 2% active agents, as finely as possible in the environment affected by bad odours. FOGGER 3 is a device able to generate a uniform and “thin” mist, consisting of extremely small water particles. A suction pump mixes the product in the required percentage to the network water, and the mix is centrifuged inside the air flow generated by the fan. A mist is produced which is distributed on an area of approx. 20x30 mt. The area on which the mist, therefore the product, is distributed, varies remarkably and essentially depends of the windy conditions of the area. The tests carried out proved anyhow that the “treated” area is at least double the area directly affected by the mist. 

Fogger 3 features a Timer that allows setting idle and operating times which may vary case by case.

It also features a regulator of the quantity of water that must be used, and therefore of the quantity of mist produced and product percentage to inject.