NEO OPP is an environmental fumigant in the form of a tablet (weight 600 g) containing 2-phenylphenol (orthophenylphenol). The action against pathogenic microorganisms is expressed through the heat generated by a slow and controlled flameless combustion. During this fumigation process the heat produced allows the development of the orthophenylphenol in a dry gaseous form. The process ensures a constant and uniform release of gas for a period of approximately 3 hours. The developed gas is able to spread uniformly throughout the closed environment subjected to the fumigation process.

The result is an aerial treatment, deep and capillary because the color of the smoke also performs the function of marker allowing to verify that the entire volume of the environment is treated. The energetic action combined with the broad spectrum of action, the speed and simplicity of application and the absence of incompatibility with most materials make the NEO OPP an economical, versatile and high-quality treatment.





Composition:2-phenylphenol (Orthophenylphenol):10%  ;  excipients:  90%.  Shelf life: 2 years.

Areas of use: it is used in environments and in the CLEAN premises of zootechnical breeding that allow an effective volumetric confinement, necessary to guarantee the non-escape of the fumigate active principle. The product must be used in ABSENCE OF PEOPLE, ANIMALS AND FOOD OR SEMI-FINISHED FOOD. Examples of environments can be: Sheds of poultry farms, tunnels, incubators, other farms and zootechnical environments as long as they can be adequately closed and isolated during treatment.

Instruction for use and dosage:

It is recommended that the environmental humidity is higher than 65%.

  1. Turn the tablet away from flammable materials by means of a small portable burner, after having removed it from the packaging and placed on a metal tray on the floor of the room to be treated that must be well closed and previously cleaned. Don’t place the tray in direct contact with flammable or heat-sensitive materials, but interpose an object insensitive to heat. Any equipment that must not be exposed to fumigation must be removed or protected. Air systems must be deactivated. The materials in general don’t present incompatibility problems. 2. Wait until it is completely black and then wait about 3 minutes. 3. Suffocate the flame by covering it with a container resistant to fire and heat. 4. Wait for fumigation until full consumption (about 3 hours). Wait 15 hours for the orthophenylphenol to expose its action. Overnight treatment is recommended. 6. Ventilate the room before re-use for at least 1 hour and remove any residues deposited from the surfaces and equipment, using a neutral detergent. The residual fumigation ash doesn’t constitute a hazardous waste.


A tablet is sufficient for a shock treatment or a maintenance / preventive treatment according to the indications given in the table below and by means of the appropriate pre-breaking notches it can easily be divided into 2 or 4 parts according to the environmental volume from to deal.


Type of treatment

1 Tablet

½ Tablet

¼ Tablet

Staphylococcus Aureus


350 M3

175 M3

85 M3



700 M3

350 M3

175 M3

Pseudomonas Aeruginosa ATCC 15442


296 M3

148 M3

74 M3


592 M3

296 M3

148 M3

Enterococcus Hirae ATCC 10541


74 M3

37 M3

18 M3


148 M3

74 M3

36 M3

Proteus Vulgaris ATCC 13315


Salmonella Enterica subsp. Enterica serovar Typhimurium ATCC-13311


296 M3

148 M3

74 M3


592 M3

296 M3

148 M3

SHOCK 150 M3 75 M3 38 M3
PREVENTIVE 300 M3 150 M3 76 M3

Candida Albicans ATCC 10231  (lieviti)


74 M3

37 M3

18 M3



148 M3

74 M3

36 M3

Aspergillus Brasiliensis  ATCC 16404  (funghi)


74 M3

37 M3

18 M3


148 M3

74 M3

36 M3

Avian Influenza A (H1N1)  (virus)


300 M3

150 M3

75 M3



600 M3

300 M3

150 M3



Determine the number of tablets (or parts of tablets) to be used depending on the volume of the environment to be treated and arrange them evenly. This promotes the uniformity of the treatment.
The treatment is usually performed during the emptying of the farm and before the subsequent re-entry of the animals. The frequencies are therefore subordinate to the type of breeding and indicatively they are attested for example around the 40 days for the poultry breeding; 90 days for the tunnels.


  • Easy: no specific application equipment is required.
  • Effective: the fumigation guarantees thanks to the dry gas that penetrates in every part a highly effective and prolonged action on the bacteria and fungi present on the surfaces and in the air.
  • Performing: The laboratory tests show the achievement of good results. Usable for both shock and maintenance treatment.
  • Versatile: thanks to the pre-breaking carvings it is possible to easily split the tablet into 2 or 4 parts to adjust the quantity of product to the actual volume to be treated.

Safe: the application doesn’t require the operator's commitment except for the activation phase which requires no more than 5 minutes per tablet (saving time, personnel, reducing exposure risk). During activation (ignition and suffocation) use protective mask with filter for organic substances and powders (A1 + P3)



The table shows the results for organisms and, in the highlighted fields, for those added:

Test method



AFNOR NF T72-281

Staphylococcus Aureus


Pseudomonas Aeruginosa ATCC 15442


Enterococcus Hirae ATCC 10541


Proteus Vulgaris ATCC 13315


Candida Albicans ATCC 10231  (lieviti)


Aspergillus Brasiliensis ATCC 16404  (funghi)


Avian Influenza A (H1N1)  (virus)


Salmonella Enterica subsp. Enterica serovar Typhimurium ATCC-13311


Eschericchia Coli ATCC 10536 


  • AFNOR NF T72-281 (Novembre 2014)

Methods of airborne disinfection of surfaces — Determination of bactericidal, fungicidal,yeasticidal, mycobactericidal, tuberculicidal sporicidal and virucidal activity,including bacteriophages


  • Carton box containing 20 tablets packed in a single sealed recyclable plastic bag (PE); each envelope contains labeling and instructions for use. The pads can be split into the sealed envelope directly without contact with the operator. Store at room temperature (10 ° C to 30 ° C) in the original container away from direct sunlight.
  • EUR PALLET from 54 boxes (1080 pz)
  • EUR PALLET from 60 boxes(1200 pz)
  • EUR PALLET from 66 boxes (1320 pz)

The product is packaged in ADR / RID exemption for Limited Quantity (LQ) - Ref. Chap. 3.4


Product under registration Biocide:
Application for registration Italy (NA-APP): BC-KX036786-98


Note: Check previously the possibilities of use of the product. Approved uses may differ depending on regulations and specific approvals for different countries.