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It is a special solvent of an alcoholic nature that can be used as a substitute for chlorinated solvents.

It has a low vapor pressure that allows the non-saturability of the working environments by its vapors.

A fundamental characteristic of KEMPERSOLV FX is its high detergent power which, as shown by the numerous tests carried out, is considerably higher than that of the most common petroleum solvents, such as petroleum, kerosene or white spirit.



  • Effective degreasing power
  • Low irritant power
  • High evaporation speed
  • Safe on all metals and plastics
  • Evaporation rate: 33 (Ether = 1)
  • Kauri butanol: from 29 to 45
  • Bulk density: 0.79
  • Complete miscibility in water


KEMPERSOLV FX is used as an industrial degreaser to replace traditional chlorinated and aromatic solvents which are normally very harmful to humans and, in some cases, even prohibited by current regulations.

The product can be used manually, in ultrasonic washing machines or in mechanical washing machines of any type.

It is used from pure to diluted in water according to the application needs

The KEMPERSOLV FX finds an interesting application in the field of restoration of antique furniture. In fact, the product replaces very well the ethyl alcohol that is used for the dissolution of shellac, without however presenting the problems of harmfulness and bad smell of alcohol.