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DERKEMP PLUS is an extremely versatile, low-foam product easy to use and safe for operators. Its composition makes it particularly suitable for ultrasound washing machines. The main scope of the ultrasound activity, cavitation, consists in assisting the detergent in carrying out its chemical activity through a mechanical action. The optimal result of this operation is linked to the proper choice of detergent according to the type of contamination to remove.



Almost any part can be treated using Derkemp Plus in an ultrasound system, considering that the only parts to exclude are those that could be damaged when coming into contact with the water of the solution.

Industrial sector: washing of turned precision tools, printed objects in plastic or resin, precision ball bearings, motor, precision nuts and bolts, valves, nozzles, balls, pump components, screws of any type and size, zamak, aluminium, iron, brass components, nuts and bolts in general.   Washing cycles of components of the automotive and motorcycle industry. Washing of metal, plastic or Teflon filters, desalinator filters, and filters of electrostatic depurators. Washing of components of boat engines and propellers to remove salt deposits, algae and corrosion in general. 

Mechanical sector: washing of precision tools, dies, carburettor components, diesel engine injectors, metal filters for aeronautical use, valves, gears, pump components, gaskets.




DERKEMP PLUS can be diluted in water at concentrations that range from 1 to 10%, according to the type of dirt to remove. After preparing the ideal solution, introduce it in the tank, bring it to the right temperature and enable the ultrasound system. Operating times, concentrations and temperatures are determined through practical tests based on the different parameters. Always rinse after carrying out the ultrasound washing cycle using the detergent. The freshly washed components can be rinsed in the same ultrasound tank (after emptying the tank from the detergent and filling it with clean water), in order to remove any chemical residue and ensure excellent results.




The product is stored in the original containers for at least 2 years. 




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