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New generation formula for washing cars and trucks body, with degreasing and brilliant action

The product, in addition to a strong degreasing action, leaves the surface particularly brilliant, thanks to its "wax effect" additives.

It is normally used in dilution with water at very low concentrations and is therefore economical.

FORMAT CAR formulations do not contain solvents, surfactants such as dodecylbenzene and phosphate derivatives, so it can be safely used on any type of bodywork, even the most delicate.

The high biodegradability co-surfactant present in the FORMAT CAR facilitates the elimination of any traces or incrustations of dust, layers of smog and grease.

Although not a wax, it leaves the surfaces absolutely smooth, brilliant and hinders the subsequent reform of stains caused by water, fingerprints and dust.


Type: concentrated liquid detergent

Odor: floral perfume

Colour: colourless

pH : 10 (Sol. 1%)

Biodegradability >90%.





Manual use: prepare a 1:10 aqueous solution. Wet the machine and pass with the sponge. Rinse thoroughly and pass with a soft, dry cloth.

For car wash: prepare an aqueous solution at 3-5% (30-50 gr / l).



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