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KEMPERSOLV ECO is a solvent completely free from  the traditional chlorinated and aromatic solvents  in compliance with more actual regulations and tendencies about limitation of substances and solvents harmful for the man and environment.

Obtained from natural vegetables renew sources, have a very good solvent and cleaning power towards many substances, like: inks, oils, waxs, etc.

After use remains a agreeable citrus fragrance.

KEMPERSOLV ECO is used for degreasing  and industrial cleaner surfaces.

Indicated uses: mechanical industry, 

car repairer’s, printing offices, enterprises of cleansings, agencies, community.




Physical state : liquid

Colour : light yellow

Density (15°C)                      : 0,77 Kg/lt

Water solubility: white emulsion

Flammability: +45°C

DL50 :10.000 mg/Kg (mouse)




KEMPERSOLV ECO can be diluted in water. Concentration depends on the type of dirt that we want to eliminate. With water is obtaineda white emulsion stable for some hours. Stirrer before use in case of emulsion breach.

For surfaces degreasing.

The pure product is an optimal substitute of chlorinated solvents. During use remember its flammability point and its low volatility.

For typography. 

For rolls cleaning, use pure product, without

dilution, or diluted with water to 30% (300 gr/lt).

For cleaning floor and hard surfaces. 

Diluted with water to 2-3% (20-30 gr/lt), apply with mop or rag without rinse. With strong soil increase the dosage.  

For industy wastebin cleaning.

Diluted with water to 4-5% (40-50 gr/lt) and apply on all surface.

Rinse with water.

For leather and synthetic materials


Diluted with water to 20% (200 gr/lt) and make preliminary tests for the valutation of materials compatibility.



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