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Extremely versatile, wood is one of the main structural components of any ambience

Very appreciated for its aesthetic and functional qualities, it is usually considered as a " live" material, a material that doesn’t remain unchanged over time but undergoes mechanical and chemical transformations that alter its characteristics and beauty.

In fact, the wood is subject to the action of moisture, which deforms the fibers, and the aggression by mushrooms and bacteria that over time disrupt the structure.


It is recommended to protect the wood deeply, dealing with products that preserve its aesthetic and functional qualities while at the same time providing the necessary protection over the years

WOOD SIL is a protective impregnating material with the ability to penetrate deep into the wood porosity, waterproofing it and introducing antibacterial and antifungal additives that preserve it over the years.


  • It penetrates deep into the wood, doesn’t dry on the surface and leaves no residual film
  • It does not lift the wood fibers and leaves a smooth and uniform surface.
  • Allows new applications without needing to be sandblasted in advance.
  • It contains inorganic pigments, which are unalterable over time even if exposed to direct light and humidity
  • It provides total protection against the proliferation of fungi and bacteria.

The WOOD SIL, in addition to TRANSPARENT, is available in different colors: DURMASY-LIGHT/DARK WALNUT - -MAHOGANY – CHESTNUT-ROSEWOOD - GREEN -TEAK.

With these colors you have the opportunity to value a simple and inexpensive wood, giving it the appearance of a noble and rare wood.


Composition     : polyurethane resin

Solvent             : ragia or nitro water

Spec. weight     : 850 gr/lt

Drying                   : 1 hour out of dust

                        : 5 hours footprint

                        : 20 hours deep


On new wood the WOOD SIL can be applied either by diving or by brush, and in the latter case the best results are achieved by applying at least 2 subsequent hands.

On old wood, it is necessary to proceed to a total stripping and disinfection of old products to allow the wood to receive the new treatment.

The yield of WOOD SIL varies considerably with the type of essence and its absorption capacity, and can only be estimated at an approximate rate of 8-14 square meters per liter.

With very absorbent wood or irregular absorption, it is advisable to apply a first coat of transparent product and successive in the desired tone.



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