Liquid detergent of superior quality to remove any type of dirt. NUVIS is able to remove grease, paint, oil, tar, ink, naphtha, and any other type of contamination, acting gently on the skin without irritating it.

It does not contain abrasives.  Differently from other hand cleansing pastes which are effective thanks to the abrasive action of pumice and wood dust, NUVIS dissolves and removes dirt exclusively through emulsion. Therefore it does not irritate or chap the skin.

It contains glycerine.  The product contains glycerine and other softening agents that help to prevent chapping and render the skin less subject to dirt.

Cost-effective. The most convenient way to use NUVIS is through the specific dispenser. Each time you wash your hands, the dispenser supplies 3 grams of product, which are more than enough for optimal results. Compared to a regular hand cleansing paste, which cannot be dosed and is picked up directly from the can, consumption is reduced by at least 10 times each time you wash your hands.


IMPORTANT:  NUVIS are cosmetic products and the relative folders are filed at Kemper Srl’s production plant.







The product is also available in the LIGHT version, specifically formulated for “delicate hands”. The product is enriched with softening and smoothing agents with a talc essence that leaves a pleasant scent on the hands.







Cost-effective version, ideal for all those works that require washing the hands frequently, with tough dirt to remove.







  • 1 Kg bottles
  • 5 Kg bottles with disposable dispenser
  • Containers of 10-30-60 Kg to recharge the 1 kg wall dispenser.

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