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Synthetic, colourless lubricant with LUBRICATING AND PROTECTIVE properties. GREASE CHAIN is packaged exclusively in 400 ml spray bottles which must be shaken well before use. The product, after application, appears as white foam that quickly releases the gas contained in it, turning into a clear, odourless layer of fairly large thickness.  The product layer strongly adheres to the support and its lubricating and protective action remains unaltered at temperatures between -30ºC and +240ºC.

  • It protects against oxidations and any corrosions, also in high humidity conditions and in particularly aggressive atmospheres. 
  • It does not dissolve in water, therefore it is highly resistant against rain and condensate. 
  • It contains E.P. additives (Extreme Pressures)
  • It does not boast any drop point and sticks to the supports also under strong mechanical stresses
  • It does not corrode paints, plastic, rubber components and glass
  • Suitable to be used in the food industry, preventing contact with foods.



PROTECTIVE: It is recommended for very humid environments or in corrosive atmospheres. 

LUBRICATING: for exposed gears, racks, chains, slings and various mechanisms, in the following systems: painting booth, desiccation, cooking and drying ovens, rolling mills, forges, earth moving machines, boats and shipyards, chemical reactors, machinery for glassworks. 

Press the nozzle, directing the spray towards the component from a distance of 30 cm, as evenly as possible. The intensity and frequency of the applications will be determined by particular working needs, and therefore by practical trials.



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