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Specific product for deoxidation and degreasing of aluminum surfaces and its alloys.

Its chemical composition avoids the use of abrasive elements that irreversibly alter the polishing of articles; removes: oxidations, various kinds of deposits, fatty substances, smog and contaminants in general.

It does not form unsightly halos but leaves the entire treated surface perfectly smooth and shiny.

METALDEC Al 2 is particularly recommended for industries that process aluminum as door and window manufacturers and for all those activities that have furniture and equipment with aluminum (benches, tables, chairs, parts of engines, etc.).

Great in the road transport sector for the cleaning of the banks.


Physical state : Liquid

Color               : Pink

Odor               : Odorless

Density           : 1,25 Kg/l

pH                   : 1,5 (sol. 1%)



Organic acids, ammonium bifluoride, corrosion inhibitors, synthetic surfactants.


Prepare an aqueous solution with 5-10% of product (50-100 gr / lt), using plastic and non-metallic containers.

Spread the product evenly on the surface to be treated with a sponge, a brush or by spraying, starting from the bottom upwards in the case of vertical surfaces.

Leave the product acts for 1-2 minutes and then proceed to a thorough rinsing. In stubborn cases, repeat the operation.


Cleaning aluminum surfaces. It penetrates deeply and quickly, dissolves oxides, slag, encrustations and smog stains.

Cleaning of transport. For cleansing and renewal of road tankers, boards of trucks and as a reviver of alloy wheels.

Exterior cleaning of buildings. On acid resistant surfaces (granites, klincher etc.) for the removal of smog and atmospheric dirt, even if it is aged by long storage periods.

Stainless steel brightening. For degrease, make bright and make uniform equipment in stainless steel

WARNING: avoid contact on glass and anodized aluminum (in case rinse immediately).









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