Specific chemical additive to neutralize in total safety the acid residues that can be detected at the end of a calcareous descaling treatment of pipes, boilers, exchangers and coils.
The product forms, during neutralization, a "buffer" solution which allows to bring the pH to slightly alkaline values even in the case of errors in the dosage.
A "buffer" solution is in fact a particular acid-base mixture which has the characteristic property of showing insignificant variations in pH due to moderate addition of acid and base and for this reason they are called "buffered".
In an acidic environment the solution is red.
After neutralization, the color is yellow.
This feature is very useful during the treatment to assess if the residual acidity has been neutralized.
Physical state : liquid
Colore : yellow- orange
Solub. in water : total
pH(sol. 1%) : 11,5
The product should be used in a 5% aqueous solution.
After having carried out the descaling of the plant it is advisable to follow the procedure:
- Make an abundant first rinse with clean water and check the pH value with the indicator card. If the value is less than 7, proceed to step 2.
- Proceed with a second rinse by adding 5% of TAMPONE product to the water. The addition of product should be sufficient to bring the alkalinity of the solution to acceptable values (7.5-9)..
- IOtherwise, make other additions until optimum values are obtained. We will thus have the certainty of having completely neutralized all remaining acidity.
- Drain the rinse solution and use the system normally