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The METAL-BLACK, composed of two products (A and B) is a cold chemical burner, active on ferrous metals, with the characteristic of performing the browning action in two distinct and distinct following times, allowing to achieve several advantages:

  • Employing the only METAL BLACK A is possible to obtain a chemical copper plating, extremely compact and adherent to the substrate, with a thickness of about 0.15 microns. This property can be used to ennoble ferrous materials.
  • By using the METAL-BLACK B, after the product A the burnishing is obtained.
  • By using only METAL-BLACK B on copper and their alloys it is possible to give aging effects to the manufactured articles.

It is ideal for the treatment of cutting tools, reamers, files, drill bits, screws and bolts, gears and metal tools.


METAL-BLACK products are ready to use.


1-CLEANING AND DEGREASING. Thoroughly clean and degrease the piece using a solvent bath (KEMPERSOLV Line) or an alkaline bath (DERKEMP MAT line). In this second case it is necessary to follow a good rinse. The type of bathroom depends on the nature of the material.

2- DEOXIDATION (if necessary). Use a pickling bath of METALDEC LIQUID or DESCAL LIGHT (suitably diluted), with a residence time of 5-10 minutes. Follow a generous rinse.

3- COOPERING. Completely immerse the ferrous parts in product A for no more than 5 to 10 secondsRinse and dry.

4- BRUNISHING. The coppered piece in step 3 is completely dipped in the product B without rinsing for about 30 seconds.

5- FIXING. The appearance of copper plating can be maintained indefinitely by treating the dry piece with PRONEX SPRAY DRY. To fix the burnishing, treat the piece with an oil protective agent (PRONEX OIL).

WARNINGS: use plastic tubs. Separate the sludge which is deposited on the bottom of the burnishing tank daily.

When the copper-browning time increases, the baths are running out: in this case, top up or replace.



K0044210 METAL-BLACK A  : C1*-C5

K0044220 METAL-BLACK B  : C1*-C5



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