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The product is a solution of phosphonates with complexing action against calcium and magnesium carbonates.

The main function of the product is to prevent the crystallization, and therefore the precipitation of the carbonates, a phenomenon that represents the origin of the calcareous incrustations that are formed in all the plants where hard water circulates.

The FORKAL LIQUID also presents a good anti-corrosion action on the plants and a regular use of the product, as well as extending the life of the machinery, allows you to reduce the cost of descaling treatments.

Main applications:

  • Cooling molds for plastic
  • Die-casting mold cooling
  • Rain pasteurizers
  • Continuous sterilizers
  • UHT sterilizers
  • Boiler



Physical state               : liquid

Color                            : amber

Solub. in water             : complete

pH                                : 9

Flammability                : not flammable

Specific weight            : 1,15



WATER RECOVERY CIRCUITS. Add at least 20-30 grams of FORKAL LIQUID for every 1000 liters of water (20-30ppm) making other additions only in case of top-ups.


CIRCUITS TO LOSE. Dispense in continuous on the delivery 10-20 grams of product for every 1000 liters of water (10-20 ppm).
In this case it is necessary to have a dosing pump.

These doses, purely indicative, are very influenced by the temperatures involved and still refer to water with a hardness of 15 ° F.
For food use, compliance with the dosages permitted by law is recommended.




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