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KEMPERSIL 42 is a specially formulated to be used for the removal of residues of silicone remaining on the different surfaces during the various stages of application such as sealing and adhesive bonding

The particular nature of the solvent content, blocks the process of 'hardening' silicone 'fresh' thus preventing the hardening thereof; the mechanical removal is thus facilitated.

In the presence of residues already cured, it should proceed to a removal of the solid excess with a knife blade and applied thereafter KEMPERSIL 42 to remove the residual indentation.
During this second step is useful to try to wet as much as possible with a rag soaked in the product.

KEMPERSIL 42 is particularly suitable for:

  • manufacturers of fittings and fixtures
  • carpenters
  • furniture manufacturers
  • interior designers
  • assembly workers stands

Can be safely applied to any surface such as glass, crystal, plastic, wood and metals.

Only in the presence of written or printed designs must use caution to avoid the risk of removal.




Uncured silicone residues: pour the product as is, or (in the case of vertical lines) repeatedly dab with paper towel soaked well.
Switch with paper to remove the whole.

Silicone residues consolidated: with a utility knife remove the solid part of the waste; pour remaining on the footprint or dab repeatedly with KEMPER SIL 42.
Apply a mechanical action in order to eliminate any trace of silicone.
Clean the surfaces thus treated with FORMAT GLASS.

The product is also available in 400 ml aerosol.




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