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Kemphos S2 is a phosphodegreaser for prepaint treatments of steel, aluminium, zinc, copper and his alloys.

Kemphos S2 is a liquid product with a quickly solubility in water.

The dosage of the product is possible with manual method or with automatic dosing equipments.

In Kemphos S2 there are particulary raw materials that in one step remove soil and produce a strong thin layer of amorphous iron phosphate.

This amorphous layer improves corrosion resistance and provides a valid support to following painting.

The substantial increases in paint life results from the fact that the coating provides:

  1. A clean, soil free surface.
  2. A corrosion-inhibiting base for paint.
  3. A non conducting bond between the base metal and the paint.

Kemphos S2 have good performance at low temperature (30°-50°C).

The keep of solution at the righit working title it is enought to use the analysis kit.




Phycal state : liquid, clear.

Color : low yellow.

pH (sol. 1%): 2,0.

Spec. grav.(at 20°C): 1,240 ± 0,05




Concentration:10-25 gr/lt


Time spray: 1-3 minutes

pH solution: 4-5




Pipette 5 ml of solution, add 20 ml of distillated water, add 2-3 drops Phenolphtalein indicator and titrate with NaOH 0,1 N to the development a permanent pink colour.

gr/lt Kemphos S2 = ml NaOH X  6,2

In a working day is necessary to make leastwise 1 or 2 check of the working conditions.



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