DERMILK BP is a formulated recommended both for the preventive treatment of diseases affecting animals with hoof or hooves (digital and interdigital dermatitis) such as cattle, sheep, goats, horses, and for the specific treatment of acute cases in progress.

These states are often related to the environment, to the presence of feces and urine residues that promote the proliferation of responsible microorganisms.

The onset of disorders causes an important alteration of the state of animal welfare, with significant repercussions on productivity.

The constituents of DERMILK BP effectively fight these problems, carrying out a synergic action that allows to pursue the following objectives:

  • Penetration of the active principles in the critical areas between the hooves by means of highly effective wetting surfactants.
  • Deep sanitation due to the synergy of the sanitizers used, active towards gram +; gram -; spores; molds; mushrooms.
  • Astringent and hardening action of the nail \ plinth.

DERMILK BP allows to control the intake of bacterial load in the milking room, contributing to the qualitative improvement of milk


Physical state           : liquid

Color                         : light blue - green

Spec weight 20°C       : 1.03 ± 0.05 Kg/l

Solubility in water     : Complete

pH(t.q.)                          :  1 ÷ 2

Sanitizer                    : Benzalkonium chloride

                                 : Glutaraldehyde

                                 : Formaldehyde   





  • In the podal bath (preventive action):

Dilute the product in water in the approximate ratio of 1: 100. Dilutions of 1: 50 are recommended for shock treatments..

It is advisable to prepare a new solution after about 500 items treated. The treatment must be continued without interruptions for at least 15 ÷ 20 days.

  • Podalic interventions:

In the case of pathologies in progress or for localized applications, DERMILK BP can be applied by spray or brush after dilution with water in the ratio 1: 3 twice a day.


For handling and labeling refer to the safety data sheet. Take care to ensure that the animals do not swallow the DERMILK BP solution. During the preparation of the podalic bath, avoid using containers and metal equipment.





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