MASTERFIL is a low dripping gel product designed to film and protect the teats and sphincter between two successive milking sessions, while allowing complete transpiration of the epidermis. The regular use of the product contributes to the prevention of the onset of mastitis phenomena and guarantees a better microbiological quality to the milk by virtue of the sanitizing agents used.

The product is effective against microorganisms such as: streptococci and staphylococci which constitute the usual bacterial flora that populates the terminal traits of the milk channels. It also allows you to control the development of fungi and yeasts.

The post-milking application therefore plays the essential role of removing the external contaminating bacteria from the breast and, at the same time, blocking their diffusion within the above-mentioned channels until the next milking. MASTERFIL is recommended in all livestock farms where milking operations are carried out (cattle, buffalo, goat and sheep).

MASTERFIL contains a compound of emollients and humectants for maintaining the integrity of the nipple throughout the year, with particular reference to the hot season, preventing reddening and cracking also due to the cold. The food grade color content dye also allows a simple identification of the treated animals.


The product is free of risk symbols (according to Dir. 2001/59 / CE XXVIII ° adaptation). Contains cosmetic grade ingredients.


At the end of the milking, dry the breasts with disposable paper and apply MASTERFIL on the nipples of the animals. The product will be a protective film along the length of the nipple and will form at the sphincter a permanent drop, with the function of preventing the entry of germs and bacteria into the milk ducts.

Before the next milking, remove the film, washing the nipples with drinking water and then removing the first jets of milk. MASTERFIL is a ready-to-use product and should be used as it is.


Physical state:              viscous liquid

Color:                            intense blue

Active principle:            PHMB (> 2000 ppm)

Density(20°C) :                1,02   ± 0.05 Kg/dm3

Solubility in water:         complete

pH(t.q.):                          5.0 ± 0.5


Store the product in the original containers tightly closed, away from direct sunlight.
Protect from frost.





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