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KEMPRO CLEAN is a highly effective anti-graffiti resistant dirt made of spray paints and indelible pencils.

Its features are:

  • Wide spectrum of action
  • Quickness in removal
  • Ability to coagulate the paint revomed.
The mild viscosity of the product allows to withstand its volatility, which is therefore significantly lower than that of the commonly used solvents for graffiti removal (diluents, acetone, etc.).
During the action, the product doesn’t just discard the dirt, but it coagulates the paint preventing the latter from sticking back to the support.
The ideal use is to maintain those surfaces and artifacts previously treated with KEMPRO LAB, permanent anti-graffiti treatment.



Physical state : liquid

Color : amber

Solubility (H2O) : partial

Spec. weight (20°C)  : 0.87 Kg/l



If the surface to be cleaned has not been treated with KEMPRO LAB it is necessary to conduct preliminary tests to verify its resistance

The product after removing the graffiti could stain it.

If the surface has previously been treated with KEMPRO LAB, operate according to the following diagram that allows drastic containment of working times:

  1. Apply the product with a soft brush by treating areas that are not overly extensible.
  1. If necessary brush on the surface for a few seconds.
  1. As soon as the dirt has been removed, remove the water jet product immediately.

This procedure allows maximum protection of the permanent protective stratus, which should not be re-applied and at the same time allows for the high effectiveness of the preparation. 






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