Coagulant flocculant for water in painting booth.
The product, added to the water of the spray painting booth, acts on the excess sprayed paint (overspray) making it coagulate and preventing it from adhering to the walls, pipes and pump.
It has the function of aggregating the suspended paint particles in the water, which represent the cause of turbidity, and transforms them into a soft mud, easily removable and in any case no longer able to form encrustations. The water keeps perfectly clear, doesn’t decay and allows to prolong the life of the tank considerably.

On the walls and on the bottom no more difficult to remove deposits are formed and pumps and pipes remain clean and efficient.
The product performs its action at a high pH and is active against any type of solvent-based paint: epoxy, acrylic, polyurethane and others.

  • It disable the gripping power of the dispersed paint in the water and thus prevents this from sticking to the walls or bottom
  • The coagulating action of the product transforms the dispersed paint particles into dehydrated flakes and of such dimensions that they can be easily removed.


Physical state:              liquid

Color:                            colorless

pH (sol 1%):                 14

Specific weight (25°C):  1.36 g/cm3 ± 0.05

Alkalinity (NaOH):          29.5%


It is advisable to remove paint clots frequently to avoid clogging of pumps and filters.
The KEMFLOC LIQUID is presented as a transparent brown liquid, with a strong action
alkaline and in the pure state must be handled with care. At the dilutions of use it is absolutely harmless.

Add directly to your tank under stirring, 5-7 Kg of product per 1000 liters of water. Determine the reintegration and the exact dosages of use, according to the type of paint and the results obtained, by periodically titrating the solution as indicated in the appropriate diagram.





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