KEMFLOC: Flocculant polyelectrolyte. It is a synthetic organic polyelectrolyte particularly effective in the dehydration of biological sludge coming from activated sludge plants. It is used in the clarification treatment of waste water and in the thickening and dehydration of sludge with a high organic content.


KEMFLOC BNT: Clarifying agent for spray booth water. Specific for plants with external clarification treatment. It is a bentone based product with a strong coagulant action towards both aqueous and solvent based paints. Constantly additives is able to perform its denaturing action even on resins that are difficult to treat.


KEMFLOC PC: Clarifying agent for spray booth water. Specific for plants with external clarification treatment. It is a product based on specific polyelectrolytes for the sludge dewatering coming from painting booths properly treated with denaturing agents such as KEMFLOC BNT. It isn’t toxic or corrosive so it doesn’t pose any danger to operators.


KEMFLOC C - PCA : Flocculant clarifiers for dry water. They are complete products with clarifying and flocculating action specific for the treatment of water used in dry docks. Properly dosed make the quality of the effluent discharged into the sea or reusable for subsequent washing operations or other operations of a technical nature. KEMFLOC C finds more general use. The KEMFLOC PCA is recommended when the waste has a high organic load and / or when the pH is difficult to stabilize, however never less than 7.5-8.


KEMFLOC D: Clarifying coagulant for spray booths. It is particularly effective on the over spray produced by solvent-based paints. Added to the cabin water, it is able to ensure the immediate coagulation of the over spray paint that arrives in the water.


KEMFLOC WP: Clarifying coagulant for spray booths. It proves indispensable in cases where the over spray produced consists of water-based paints. Used constantly, it allows to coagulate to bury both the resinous part and the pigments of the paints.

KEMFLOC DOWN PLUS: Sinking flocculant with high charge density. It is a liquid formulation containing a resin with high surface charge density. This means that, once the coagulation process is started, the flocculation process is subsequently activated, leading to the formation of compact flakes, easily filtered or sedimentable. The mud thus produced purges an additional quantity of water over time, reducing its weight. DON’T mix the product as it is directly with others containing active chlorine.


KEMFLOC MIX: Flocculant sinking in powder form. It is a flocculating compound able to clarify the turbid waters of any industrial origin. Its active ingredients allow both coagulating and flocculating action to be carried out simultaneously, leading to the formation of a sludge that rapidly decant, remaining always compact even if subjected to continuous agitation in the tank.


KEMFLOC SAN SPECIAL: Stabilizing additive - deodorizer for spray booth water. It is an additive with a sanitizing and deodorizing action for water subjected to several operating cycles such as cooling, washing and painting booths. With a broad spectrum of action, it acts on the most significant classes of microorganisms that normally proliferate in containment tanks. The regular use of KEMFLOC SAN SPECIAL therefore allows to prevent the development of putrefactive phenomena as well as to sanitize the entire volume of water (in accordance with D. leg. 81/2008 - Ex. 626/94).


KEMFLOC SAN:  Stabilizing additive - deodorizer for spray booth water. It is an additive with a sanitizing and deodorizing action for water subjected to several operating cycles such as cooling and painting booths. Thanks to the presence of "active chlorine", there is the complete elimination of reducing sulphite bacteria that are the cause of the production of bad smells and of the "Legionella pneumophila" responsible for some forms of pneumonia of the painters.


KEMFLOC SPECIAL: Additive for painting booths. Coagulant flocculant for water in painting booth. It has the function of aggregating the suspended paint particles in the water, which represent the cause of turbidity, and transforms them into a soft mud, easily removable and in any case no longer able to form encrustations. The water keeps perfectly clear, doesn’t decay and allows to prolong the life of the tank considerably.


KEMFLOC UP: Additive for painting booths. Liquid product, with the function of deactivating and coagulating the varnishes that are dispersed in the water of the spray booths. The product is active against any type of paint and solvent: epoxy, acrylic, polyurethane, synthetic, polyester and others. It deactivates the gripping power of the paint dispersed in the water and therefore prevents it from sticking to the walls or the bottom.


KEMFLOC DOWN: Additive for painting booths. Inorganic flocculant to be used as a liquid additive in the spray booth to clear and purify the water. The product has the function of attacking the paint particles suspended in the water and turning them into soft mud that precipitates on the bottom of the tank.

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